Anastasia Naftalieva

Hey Mom Co

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about me:

I’m a coach and proud girl mama of 2. As a self-care and mindset coach, I empower mompreneurs and moms in business to ditch mom guilt, overcome burnout, and cultivate more calm, clarity, and confidence. In our community, Hey Mom Co., we create self-care habits and mindset shifts to thrive. Even when the juggle gets real. Join us! Community members get access to a private platform where all the real talk happens, exclusive content, digital events, and more perks! 

currently nerding out over digital lab lessons on:

product creation

It’s always a good time to invest in YOU.

what Anastasia says:

you belong here!

ready to create digital revenue?

Join The Digital Lab

A community for Digital Business Owners who get it. Your all-access pass into my virtual office to connect, brainstorm, learn, get feedback, and see the realtime BTS of how I'm growing my digital business to help you grow yours.

yes, sign me up!