b2c + B2B

Cait Atterberry

Wild Soul Collective

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about me:

Cait is a writer, blogger, and digital marketer who teaches creative women how to pivot their careers and experiences into flourishing freelance businesses so they can control their future + wear their comfy pants on the reg. She made a massive career pivot (from mechanical engineer to full-time freelance writer) at 25 and firmly believes everyone deserves the chance to experience the freedom of freelance. So if firing your boss & building the future you deserve pique your fancy, hop on over and snag your seat in the Rags to Writing Accelerator program designed to give you the foundation you need for a sustainable, flourishing, and enjoyable freelance writing business. 

currently nerding out over digital lab lessons on:

sales funnels

The raw, behind the scenes look is so refreshing! The Digital Lab breaks things down in an approachable way that makes even the most complex topics... easy to digest and understand. I haven’t found this level of honesty and actionable info (even in multi-thousand dollar courses). Even if you’re just interested in one module... it’s SO worth it! 

what cait says:

you belong here!

ready to create digital revenue?

Join The Digital Lab

A community for Digital Business Owners who get it. Your all-access pass into my virtual office to connect, brainstorm, learn, get feedback, and see the realtime BTS of how I'm growing my digital business to help you grow yours.

yes, sign me up!