Harley Raptor

Harley Raptor PLLC

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about me:

One of my biggest goals is to positively impact the lives of at least 100 business owners each year. Enter: Digital Products & Courses. I love taking a topic that is typically overwhelming, stressful, or straight-up ignored, and making it easy-to-understand, approachable, and assessable. I am beyond-stars excited to have the ability to bring my knowledge to the world and help business owners understand the backbone of their business: their numbers. While I niched down into eCommerce artisans & designers who create physical products, my knowledge is useful for all businesses. Behind the scenes: My spouse, daughter, and I live in Oklahoma with our four dogs where we are obsessed with board games (we even design/develop them!), traveling, relaxing, and food.

currently nerding out over digital lab lessons on:

launch strategy

It's amazing how much information is available for you as soon as you sign up - everything from training videos to templates you can use. There are even some spreadsheets, which happen to be my love language. With this much information, there is bound to be a resource that you are looking for!

what Harley says:

you belong here!

ready to create digital revenue?

Join The Digital Lab

A community for Digital Business Owners who get it. Your all-access pass into my virtual office to connect, brainstorm, learn, get feedback, and see the realtime BTS of how I'm growing my digital business to help you grow yours.

yes, sign me up!