b2c + B2B

Magan Ward

Mint Magnolia Photography

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about me:

Magan Ward is a photographer, wife, mom of 3, and educator to fellow photographers. She has an unhealthy obsession with Chick-Fil-A mac and cheese, and has a bit of a love affair with dry shampoo - something she tried to avoid for years until the pandemic of 2020 occurred rendering her dependent upon the waterless revelation that saves her time, something now used to instead apply nutella to waffles for tiny humans.

currently nerding out over digital lab lessons on:

Social Media Advertising

Just DO IT! This platform has been amazing for me as I venture through this life of online entrepreneurship. I have learned so much already and cannot way to see what mindblowing content Megan has for us next! 

what Magan says:

you belong here!

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A community for Digital Business Owners who get it. Your all-access pass into my virtual office to connect, brainstorm, learn, get feedback, and see the realtime BTS of how I'm growing my digital business to help you grow yours.

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